Quail Recipes
Baked Whole Quail
- 4 whole quails
- 2 Onions
- Fresh rosemary (4 to 6 branches)
- 8 Garlic cloves
- 8 small potatoes
- Mustard
- White wine
- Olive oil, as desired
- Butter, unsalted, 1 teaspoon
- Salt and pepper
Cut the onions into 4 or 6 parts each. Place ¾ of them into a roasting pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, creating a bed of onions. Season the whole quails generously inside and out with salt and pepper and a pinch of mustard, then place the rest of the cut onions, 2 garlic cloves, a half branch of Rosemary inside each of the quail cavities. Place the quails on top of the bed of onions. Cut in half the potatoes and place around the whole quails, spray/sprinkle with olive oil and add fresh rosemary to the top of the potatoes, as desired. Preheat oven and bake for 40 minutes in 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).
Remove from heat and deglaze with a cup of white wine to make the sauce. Remove the whole quails and roasted potatoes and set aside.
In a small sauce pan, strain the juice and onions to make the sauce. Add a teaspoon of mustard, and then heat to a light boil and finish with a teaspoon of butter. Stir well and pour over the quail.