Quail Recipes
Italian Quail Sliders
- 6 quail breasts
- Oregano, 1 teaspoon
- 6 Mozzarella slices
- 1 cup tomato sauce
- Fresh basil leaves (12 to 18 leaves)
- Salt
- Pepper
- Olive oil, 1 tablespoon
- 6 mini sesame seed bread
Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to a pan. Sprinkle quail breast with salt, pepper and oregano. Cook in pan for 5 minutes in medium heat or until quail breast is browned. Turn quail breast over. Put the mozzarella slices over the quail breast and cover pan until mozzarella has melted.
Put a bit of tomato sauce over the bottom bread, placed the quail breast with the melted mozzarella, add more tomato sauce and finish with two or three fresh basil leaves, cover with the other bread half.